Sunday 28 February 2010

Experimenting with photography

On Saturday morning, 27th February, I took my camera out into Manchester city centre to play. The objective of this exercise was to look around and find abstract shapes and compositions that to me represented the political and religious divisions throughout Belfast.

I was looking for:

1) Things that meet
2) Things that divide
3) Lines (peace walls)
4) Opposites attract
5) Representations / metaphors (Protestants / Catholics)
6) Halves that make a whole
7) Equal Vs Unequal
8) The same ... but different
9) Contrasting elements
10) Edges

For a first attempt I was extremely happy with some of the results. I enjoyed the process of searching through the mundane and ordinary and by changing my perspective and slowing down I was able to capture unique, abstract images that to me signify the divisions in Belfast.

I have displayed the photographs in black and white because the high contrast is most effective is resembling the two sides. The black and white also helps the viewer not to be distracted by colour, therefore focus is on the layout, texture and lighting of the composition.

I find the images powerful standing alone, however, at this stage I think they would send a stronger message if they had some accompanying text. Words that either supported or conflicted the message of the image. Words about Belfast, quotes from the people of Belfast, opinions, facts, stories. Words that are profound, witty, clever, funny, sad, truthful, hopeful, honest. Words that make people think.

This would give the project more meaning and substance. A combination of people's thoughts and memories of Belfast in contrast with my personal abstract photography. The tone of the overall piece ... would write itself.

The text would be displayed in a way that compliments the theme of the project, lines, cutting through images, diagonals, divided, long and short.


  1. Some great pictures there Nicky - looks like you enjoyed yourself!!

  2. i like these.

    the black and white is effective.
