Sunday, 28 February 2010
Experimenting with photography
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Photography Book Layout
Sasha C. Damjanovski - Abstract Photography
Belfast in B&W
I find black and white photography really effective. The absence of colour creates the impression of a moment frozen in time. The mood and atmosphere encourages the viewer to reflect and search for a greater meaning.
Personally I feel black and white imagery looks really professional. I love the photograph of the children climbing the wall. The strong contrast of the railing against the sky and the composition and perspective leading your eye deep into the photograph.
Effective Black and White photography is a technique I would like to develop.
Belfast Wall Murals
Murals in Northern Ireland have become symbols of Northern Ireland, depicting the region's past and present divisions.
Northern Ireland contains arguably the most famous political murals. Almost 2,000 murals have been documented in Northern Ireland since the 1970s. The murals more often than not represent one side's political point of view.
Almost all Northern Ireland murals promote either republican or loyalist political beliefs, often glorifying paramilitary groups such as the Provisional Irish Republican Army and the Ulster Freedom Fighters, while others commemorate people who have lost their lives in paramilitary or military attacks.
Segregation in Northern Ireland
Segregation in Northern Ireland is a long-running issue in the political and social history of Northern Ireland. It’s often been regarded as both a cause and effect of The Troubles between the Roman Catholic and Protestant populations of Northern Ireland.
A combination of political, religious and social differences plus the threat of intercommunal tensions and violence has led to widespread self-segregation of the two communities. Catholics and Protestants lead largely separate lives in a situation that some have dubbed “self-imposed apartheid”.
Belfast is a city divided along religious grounds. West Belfast is mainly Catholic, in most areas over 90%. For many years, the Catholic population expanded to the southwest, but in recent years it has started expanding around the Shankill and into north Belfast. The east of the city is predominantly Protestant, typically 90% or more. This area, along with the north of the city, is the main growth pole of the Protestant population. When trouble flares in the city, it is in the border areas between largely Catholic areas and largely Protestant areas. These areas are common in West Belfast, where a large ‘Peace Wall’ was erected some years ago to try to keep rival groups apart. There is also trouble in North Belfast, but there is much less sectarian tension in the East and South of the city.